I've Just Found Out I'm Pregnant - What Next? by Midwife Pip

Pip Morrish is a practicing midwife, currently working as a Delivery Suite Sister.  We are honoured to collaborate with Pip in creating this wonderful blog resource for new Mums out there.  You can follow her on Instagram @midwife_pip. 


We caught up with Pip and asked the question on the lips of so many expectant first time mums... "I have just found out I am pregnant- what next?". Take it away Pip...


So, you have pee’d on that stick and got your two lines and wow life feels like it has changed in an instant as you enter this new club of motherhood.

 But what happens next? Here are my top tips for early pregnancy from both the perspective of being a midwife and an expectant mum myself…


  1. Get your supplements in! 10 micrograms of Vitamin D and 400 micrograms of Folic Acid (first 12 weeks) are recommended per day in pregnancy. Some women may require a higher dose so check with your GP or midwife!


  1. Start your NHS care journey. Let your GP know that you are pregnant so that you can be referred to your local maternity services and be booked in with your midwife for your first appointment at around 8- 10 weeks,


  1. Approach pregnancy announcements in whatever feels comfortable to you and remember it is your choice how you decide to navigate this. There is no right or wrong time to announce your exciting news, some many choose to shout it from the rooftops immediately whereas other may opt to wait until after their 12-week ultrasound scan. It is known that 80% of miscarriages sadly occur in the first trimester and this is why many decide to be cautious announcing pregnancy early on, however it is also worth considering who will be there to support you should your pregnancy end in loss and whether it may be an idea to share your news with these people. Also, the first trimester can come packaged up with some less pleasant symptoms that can be a challenge to try and hide or that may require some support from loved ones so this may be another reason why you choose to tell people about your pregnancy.



  1. Remember that your body is working incredibly hard to create a whole new life, it is exhausting work so don’t be hard on yourself. All of your babies’ organs are actually developed in the first trimester, there is so much essential development taking place in these early weeks so it is no surprise that your body may crave more rest and sleep than before. Allow yourself some self-compassion- rest if you need, take a nap, unwind in a warm bubble bath and appreciate the miraculous work your body is doing to grow your little one.



  1. Take some time to consider your wellness- your nutrition, mental health and physical activity are really important now. It is a really great time to start making pelvic floor exercises part of your daily routine as your pelvic floor health is going to become increasingly vital as your pregnancy progresses.


And remember…. Enjoy this incredible journey, you are doing an amazing job!




And before I sign off... I don't know about you ladies but a pregnancy pillow has become an absolute essential for me and I am fairly sure it will be an addition to my bed that will stay long after pregnancy!

It's the BellaMoon Full Moon 7-in-1 System which is an award-winning, multi-functional pregnancy and breastfeeding pillow making it a perfect and super versatile pillow for any new or expectant mum. I also adore this moonstone fabric that will match any nursery decor!

I am loving well supported, comfortable nights sleep with my BellaMoon and am highly recommending it to all the expectant mums I speak to.

You can shop the BellaMoon Full Moon System via the link https://bellamoon.co/products/full-moon-system

Thank you Pip for the wonderful advice and recommendations.

You can stay in touch with Pip and follow her journey on Instagram @midwife_pip.

She also has a wonderful website full of pregnancy resources including antenatal classes, Birth Preference and Postpartum Survival Planner, Exercise and Nutritional Packages and so much more! Visit https://www.midwifepip.com/

Or listen to her podcast https://www.midwifepip.com/podcast where she chats with special guests and leading experts to discuss all aspects of pregnancy, birth and the postpartum.


Midwife Pip has a wealth of experience supporting Mothers-to-be through all aspects of pregnancy, birth and the postpartum. Pip has trained and worked in some of the leading maternity units, has continued to study through a master's programme and is passionate about all aspects of women's health and wellness.


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